PACFriends Logo  



The PAC Friends is a volunteer group with a professional image and as such asks each of its members to dedicate themselves to and adhere to the policies and procedures of the organization. In an effort to achieve this goal, members are required to renew their commitment by signing an Usher Pledge (last page of manaul) at the beginning of each Usher Year.  Both the membership fees and the signed Usher Pledge form are due before a member will be assigned to events for the Fall or trimesters thereafter of the Usher Year.  To keep apprised of changes from season to season, ushers are also required to attend a minimum of one usher refresher seminar each pledge year.  Two training seminars will be offered each year: one in the Fall Quarter and one at the beginning of the Winter Quarter. Notifications will be e-mailed to all ushers prior to the date.

Mission Statement:

The Friends of the Performing Arts Center (PAC Friends) is a group of dedicated volunteers whose prime objective is to facilitate a relationship between the presentation and the patron, which enhances enjoyment and assures anticipation of future events in this extraordinary Center.


We work to maintain an Usher team of around 200. 

Time Commitment: 

Ushers are required to participate at a minimum of 5 events per quarter, 20 events per year. This amounts to around 90 hours annually. If you're available for more, we welcome it wholeheartedly!  

Renewing Membership:

Ushers are required to attend at least one one refresher training course annually, sign a pledge for the upcoming year, complete a re-certification with KultureCity, and pay dues of $27.

Yearly Timeline:

Our year runs from October 1st through September 30th and is divided into quarters. We issue signups for a given quarter about one month before its start. Schedules are released two weeks prior to the first event in that quarter. We host an annual refresher training around the start of our year. A make-up session is offered mid-year (typically in January). We aim to host an annual appreciation event.

Scheduling Process:

Ushers are to log in to when they are notified that signups are open, use our signup guidelines, and submit a selection of shows for which they are interested in Ushering. Signups are open for a two-week period. Once signups are closed, a lottery system assigns shows to Ushers based on the events they requested and the requirements for the given quarter. Schedules are then released and can be found on Ushers' home pages when they log in. 

Understaffed and Added Events:

If an event was not assigned enough Ushers during the signup process, it will become an "SOS" show. These shows are visible on Ushers' home pages and Ushers are able to sign up and be automatically assigned on a first come, first served basis. 


Funds to provide an operating budget are made up of PAC Friend membership dues, donations, and various fund raising efforts.  The annual dues for each member are $27.00 payable at the beginning of the Usher Year.

Steering Committee:

This group of 12 Ushers represents the PAC Friends as a whole. They, together with administrative staff, meet around three times a year. Members serve for a maximum of three years. Ushers are nominated by fellow Ushers and administrative staff